Wednesday 30 January 2013

Sukku malli coffee

This is one of my favourite.
I was browsing through the net and was looking for recipes,I got this simple recipe.
I dint make a note of the website,but really it was useful.

I just prepare and use it when required.
I am not following any measurement.
For this little black pepper
dhania or coriander seeds-more compared to black pepper
Then dry ginger -according to taste
Cardamom-3-4(you may increase also)

Dry roast it and powder it.Store in container.
With hot milk ,add this powder and also sugar and have it during cold season .
Our family likes this and we enjoy this coffee...:)


  1. Never heard of this combination.. Would surely try this..

  2. Thank you ,pls do try and tell how the taste was
